Helping Men Become Fathers
Often when we think of fertility problems the focus is on the woman. Female fertility seems so complex compared to
men, with ovulation, periods etc. Men, well often they can feel that they just
need to ‘come to the party’.
Unfortunately it is not always that simple.
So what is bad
for sperm? Smoking, both tobacco and
cannabis, heat (so maybe get your partners some nice loose cotton boxers),
obesity, alcohol excess, previous testicular surgery or injury, and
interestingly long distance cycling.
So what to do? The good news is that
the factory where sperm are made (the testes) is sending out new models every
72 days.
Add some colour: Think of colourful fruits and vegetables –
greens, reds, yellows – they all contain a good amount of Vitamin C. Peanuts, brazil nuts and almonds contain both
zinc and Vitamin E and cooked tomatoes contain the powerful anti-oxidant lycopene
which also helps.
Foods to avoid: Higher levels of saturated fat, trans-fats,
dairy products and sweetened drinks are associated with lower sperm quality.
Add some movement: Sperm fitness can
also be improved by addressing excess weight.
If he can’t see his manhood when he looks down – there is a
If you’re having problems conceiving, don’t assume it’s you – get your
man checked out too. To find out more or to book an appointment
with one of our top NZ fertility specialists or visit or call 0800
255 522
Best Wishes,
Mary Birdsall