Saturday 21 April 2012

IVM or IVF without drugs

We are excited to start In Vitro Maturation at Fertility Associates. This is a technique in which immature eggs are removed from the ovaries and matured in the lab, injected with sperm and the resulting embryos replaced in the uterus. The technique is  best suited for women with polycystic ovaries who have difficulties with standard stimulation drugs. It means that women do not have to use the hormone injections or risk ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
It has been around for a while but pregnancy rates have been modest so not many IVF units have been interested in pursuing IVM. There have been improvements in culture processes in the lab and a better understanding of physiology mean that pregnancy rates have looked better.This is why we were keen to get started with IVM.
We don't know yet about the results of the first cycle but are are delighted to be continuing our history of firsts in NZ with reproductive technologies.
If you'd like to know more about IVM, please email Fertility Associates on

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